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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
basket 1
VALVE BASKET +basket 10, 11
VIJAY +bird & basket 3
VIJAY N.I +bird & basket 3
baker's BASKET +basket 30
bakers BASKET +basket 30
bread BONTIQUE +basket 30
fruit basket 1
fruits basket 5
man & basket 25
no 1 +baloon basket & flags 18
ocean basket 29, 42
portrait & basket 34
LAS CANASTAS +baskets 43
basmati rice L-33 30
172 basmati rice 30
301 basmati rice GOEL 30
372 premium PARKASH basmati 30
424 basmati rice 30
5505 brand basmati rice 30
7 STAR bolden basmati +star 30
8477 LION BRAND basmati 30
A GOLD basmati rice +apple 30
AADHYA premium basmati rice 30
AAVKAR basmati rice +plants 30
ADAB basmati rice +ribbon 30
AFRAH basmati rice 30
AGAR brand basmati rice 30
AISHWARYA basmati rice 30
AL TAHHAN basmati rice 30
AL ZAKI basmati rice 30
AL-AMIR basmati rice +king 30
ALPINE dehraduni basmati 30
ALROWAD basmati rice 30
AMANAT basmati rice 29, 30
AMBIKA POOJA basmati rice 30
ANITA basmati rice +oval 39
ANJUM basmati rice 30
ANTINA premium basmati rice 30
ARROMA NEXXT basmati rice 30
ASHIYANA basmati rice 30
AWARD raw basmati rice 30
BB BEGUM BAZAR basmati rice 30
BELLS basmati +bells wreath 30
BEMISAL basmati rice +stars 30, 35
BIG BOSS basmati rice 35
BM TRIDEV basmati rice 30
BOMBAY FIZA basmati rice 30
BR bombay RONAK basmati ric 30
CHAIR brand basmati +chair 30
CHOPATI basmati rice +oval 30
D AMIRA INDIGO basmati rice 30
DAAWAT basmati rice 30
DAAWAT basmati rice SUPER 30
DAAWAT BROWN basmati rice 30
DAAWAT JUNIOR basmati rice 30
DAAWAT MINI basmati rice 30
DAAWAT ROYAL basmati rice 30
DAAWAT SELECT basmati rice 30
DAAWAT premium basmati rice 30
DEER basmati rice +deer 30
DIVYA basmati +girl & circl 30
DIYA basmati rice +lamp 30
DUNAR FUSION basmati rice 30
EURO basmati rice 30
EVERY GOLD brand basmati 30
FAIRY GOLD basmati +girl 30
FANAA basmati rice +boy 30
FHEWA GOLD basmati +square 30
FIRDOUS basmati rice 30
FLORANCE basmati rice 30
G-ONE long grain basmati 30
G.G.G sela basmati rice 30
GAZALLE indian basmati rice 30
GOLD COIN basmati rice +coi 30
GONTYMAN brand basmati rice 30
GOOD SHEPHERD basmati rice 30
HAR ROZ basmati rice 30
HAR-HAR GANGA basmati sella 30
HARI om brand basmati rice 30
HAVELI basmati +building 30
HEER RANJHA basmati +woman 30
HELLO basmati rice 30
HIMKAN SUPER basmati rice 30
HIRA MAHAL basmati rice 30
IDM DOODH MALAI basmati ric 30
INDIA GATE basmati rice 39
IRANI master chef basmati 30
JB A.L. BAJAJ basmati rice 30
JENTING basmati rice +oval 30
JINDAL basmati rice +circle 30
KAMAAL premium basmati rice 30
KAY JAY basmati rice +woman 30
KBR basmati +pot & plants 30
KK EXTRA LONG basmati +chef 30
KRT basmati rice SELA DUBAR 30
KUSHATI basmati rice 30
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